Monday, January 14, 2008

SITE Lit Review, 1/14/08

40 minutes of writing

I took time today to conceive of and write out the methodology for the SITE Lit Review paper. I also spent time (other than my writing time) communicating with the co-authors, Amy Good and Scott Waring, to confirm they were amendable to the methodology.

The methodology would provide us the data necessary for the publishable manuscript in a social studies, teacher education, or technology integration journal, but I do not believe it is strong enough for an RER paper. The data, however, could be used as the basis for an RER paper if we enjoy the process and later wish to expand the scope. I've been careful in the methodology to ensure empiricism so the RER avenue will remain open for the future.

On another note, I received word today that the SS and Tech article was accepted with revisions for SSRP for the March issue. It needs additional writing and fine tuning and I look forward to working with the editors to make their recommended changes. Eric, the co-author, has approved my offer to make the changes and review them just before final submission. Woo-hoo!

And, on another note...
I received word from PDK that my This is a Public School? article may be suitable for the Kappan (though it is suitable for EDge), but my Advocating for Social Studies Integration article is not suited for the EDge. There is a possibility I could re-work the article to be cross-disciplinary. Alternatively, if the Integrating Tech in Methods Courses article is rejected by JCTE, EDge may be a suitable alternative. It's a particularly enviable alternative because they accept longer articles.

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