Friday, February 2, 2007

What Works, 2/01/07

45 minutes of writing, editing, and researching

Today is the day the What Works paper was due to the editor. Second co-author Jonathon responded to some of concerns regarding the paper that enabled me to make additional changes to the paper. Per the reviewers comments, we are still in need of three screenshots. Two are needed from CATE and one from CAST. Jonathon is awaiting arrival of the CAST screenshot and I've requested the CATE screenshots from him. I also sent Jonathon the copyright permission so he can forward it onto CAST.

I sent the edited copy of the manuscript back to the editor, Cathy, and let her know we're still awaiting three screenshots. I also asked her if she would prefer I place the screenshots into the version I have when I receive them or if I should send them directly to her. The location of these screenshots is clearly marked in the edited version I emailed her today.

The only concern (other than receiving these screenshots in a timely manner to meet the editors' deadline) is the section with bulleted comments. The reviewers requested screenshots of this section. I argued that they would not be helpful, but said we would write text for that section if the editors would like us to do so. I hope they don't. I ready to be done with this chapter!

Most of my time today was spent reviewing the manuscript and sending emails to Jonathon and Cathy.

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